Training and


  • Professor of Urological Oncology and Robotic Surgery
    Macquarie University
  • Head of Urology and Gynaecology Clinical Discipline
    Macquarie University
  • Director of Medical Services
    Macquarie University Hospital
  • Urology Consultant
    Macquarie University Hospital Clinic and Hospital,
    The St George Hospital and St George Private Hospital

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1983 : MB ChB, University of Manchester

1984 : Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh

1985 : Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons England

1993 : Master of Surgery, University of BristolĀ  (Thesis: The role of Prostate Specific Antigen measurement in the management of prostate cancer

1993 : Fellow in Urology, Royal College of Surgeons England

2014 : Fellow Royal Australian College of Surgeons

  • Director of Urology (clinical) North Bristol NHS trust
    Responsible to the Clinical Director of surgery and trust Medical Director for Urology services.
  • Director Bristol Urological Institute (research)
    I led strategy and delivery of Urological research within Bristol.
  • Clinical lead for reconfiguration of Bristol Urology services
    I led a project to reconfigure Urology in Bristol and to centralisedelivery of services onto one site.
  • Director of Urology 2000 to 2008 and 2011 to 2012
    Expanding the service from 4 to 12 urologists, developing sub-specialization teams and forming strategic alliance.
  • Lead for Cancer for North Bristol for a five year period.
    I managed the introduction of the NICE Improving Outcomes Guidance for cancers for the trust. We were successful in delivering cancer targets, quality standards and peer reviews.
  • Clinical lead for Urological cancer
    For the Avon, Somerset and Wiltshire Cancer Services for a six year period. I successfully led the centralisation of Complex Urologicalcancer procedures for the network, covering a population of 2.2 million people.